Seed Converter For

XCOM Extended Perk Tree Editor for XCOM Enemy Within (vanilla)

Let me know if this contains any mistakes or if you want to improve the code. As I'm far from being a coder myself, I am sure I didn't choose the best solution.

Original Online tool for Enemy Unknown

For details regarding Eld's 16 virtual sub-classes read here.

Click on the corresponding link below to convert this for any of the other pages.

Convert this to original tool for EU: (MECs don't exist in EU and are therefore not converted. I added the standard PSI perk tree (not moddable in vanilla EW))
Convert this to vanilla EW:
Click the 2nd link under the table.

Convert this to LW EW, without stat increases: (some MEC perks don't exist in LW, so I replaced them with what I consider the closest perks. I added the standard Psi perk tree.)
Complete perk tree:
Only main classes:
Only MEC and psi classes:

Convert this to LW EW, with stat increases: (some MEC perks don't exist in LW, so I replaced them with what I consider the closest perks. I added the standard Psi perk tree.)
Complete perk tree:
Only main classes:
Only MEC and psi classes:

Convert this to EW, with re-sorted perks:
Only main classes, with re-sorted perks, stat increases not moddable:
Only main classes, with re-sorted perks, with stat increases:

Created by Bertilsson and modified by ChrisK099. No copyright of any kind - You are free to modify, re-brand and re-distribute. Giving some credit would be nice, though.