XCOM Extended Perk Tree Editor for XCOM Enemy Within with Long War 3.0 Beta 13+
(Main Perk Trees with stats)

This might work for earlier versions as well, but I don't guarantee anything.
Let me know if this gets out of date and I'll update.

Let me know if this contains any mistakes or if you want to improve the code. As I'm far from being a coder myself, I am sure I didn't choose the best solution.

My way to include the stat increases is very slow, so please let me know if you have any idea how to improve that.
The stat increases are below the perks in the list. The list would have been too long, so only values up to 3 are included.
For other values, choose "you decide" and replace the resulting 199 with what you want in the output.
Note that mobility can only have values of 0 (+0), 1 (+1) or 2 (-1). Anything else will produce unexpected results.

Remember not to use IE (very slow).

For details regarding Eld's 16 virtual sub-classes read here.

Copy the parts you want to mod from the textbox below and use it to replace the corresponding part of the DefaultGameCore.ini
You can find the DefaultGameCore.ini in: (Your XCOM Enemy Unknown Folder)\XEW\XCOMGame\Config
Inside, look for [XComGame.XComPerkManager].
For the squaddie perks, modify there directly, for the subclasses scroll down slightly to "Long War subclass perk trees"
After that are the MEC classes ("MEC subclasses") and below those, almost at the bottom, the Psi perk tree ("LW Psi perk tree").

Please be careful what you replace and make a copy of DefaultGameCore.ini before you start!
This is in the same order as it is in DGC.ini and I made sure to add all additional lines (notes etc.) and that my own notes are going to ignored by the DGC.ini, so you could just replace the whole thing, but be careful when doing so. It should not break the game, but who knows, especially with future versions.
I tested it (except Psi, following eventually), but take no responsibility in case this does end up breaking your game. Please let me know if it does, so that I can try to fix it.

Created by Bertilsson and modified by ChrisK099. No copyright of any kind - You are free to modify, re-brand and re-distribute. Giving some credit would be nice, though.